lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Shendrrohet ne gorrille 2 here ne muaj…

E dimë që njerëzit kanë kërkesa të llojllojshme gjatë marrëdhënies seksuale, por paramendoni që partneri të ju pranoj se dëshiron të vishet si gorilla derisa bën dashuri me ju, sepse kënaqet në këtë, e eksiton dhe e relakson?!Joseph Chayene, 21-vjeçar nga qyteti Bristol, ka pranuar për revistën britanike More se kënaqet te jetë i veshur si gorilla derisa bën dashuri. Fetishi i tij është veshja e kostumit në trup lakuriq.

Rikthehet “fenomeni” Rita Ora

Rita Ora rikthehet të fitojë faqet e para të shtypit britanik, nëpërmjet realizimit të një videoklipi të ri. 
E lindur në Kosovë, Rita Sahatçiu, e njohur me emrin e artit si Rita Ora, ka fituar më parë vendin e parë në klasifikimin e këngëve në Britani nëpërmjet “Hot Right Now”, një këngë e suksesshme e parë mbi 17 milionë herë në “Youtube”.
Midis bashkëpunimeve që kanë lëshuar fenomenin shqiptar, e krahasuar për nga pamja dhe zëri me Beyonce dhe Rihanna, spikat edhe ai me reperin Jay Z.

I papermbajtshem Kanye West me Kardashian (FOTO)

Ishte momenti i keq. Syri i paparaceve “kapi” Kanye West me pantallonat ulur ne kohen kur doli nga makina me te dashuren e tij Kardashian.
Mendja e te gjithve shkon… ne djallezi.
Por eshte dhe llogjike te jesh i papermbajtshem kur ke ne krah nje grua si Kim Kardashian.
Sipas tabloidve, rapperi ishte mjaft i nxitueshem, dhe natyrisht fantazia e gazetarve…u egersua.

sabato 28 aprile 2012

Vdes 1 ore para dasmes se saj…

32 Vjecarja Gemma Guebs,vuante nga kanceri ne melci…la frymen e fundit  nje ore para dasmes , se te ngjiste shkallet e kishes.E reja u shemb 90 minuta para ceremonise, dhe oren ne vazhdim “iku”Gemma kishte kancerin, por kanceri nuk “kishte”  kurre Gemmen thote burri i saj, i cili eshte i dermuar nga humbja e saj e padrejte.
Nuk dukej fare qe dicka kishte,Ishte shume aktive,shume gjalle dhe e panvarur…>> thote nena e saj.

Gemma edhe pse me probeme shendetsore, mundohej te jepte shpresa te gjitha femrave qe vuajne nga kanceri.
“Ishte burimi i frymezimit” thote nena e saj.

venerdì 27 aprile 2012

Shërim i pabesueshëm i djalit breshkë (FOTO)

Një fëmijë i quajtur "djali breshkë 'për shkak të një mole gjigande që mbulon shpinën e tij si një guaskë, tani mund të jetojë një jetë normale në sajë të një kirurgu britanik.
Didier Montalvo, gjashtë vjeç, nga Kolumbia, ka pasur një problem të rrallë kongjenitale të gjendjes nevus Melanocytic.

Ishte një shanc i keq për djalin e vogël që ajo u rrit aq shum e cila mund të kthehej në malinje, por Luz nëna e Didier nuk mund të bënteoperacionin për shkak të gjendjes ekonomike.

Familja u izolua edhe nga fshati, pasi ata kishin frikë se ai ishte i prekur nga forcat e këqija që do të thoshte se ai nuk mund të shkojë në shkollë apo të pagëzohet.
"Unë dua të rritem", tha Didier.
Por urithi nuk do të më lejojë. '
Por në sajë të kirurgut që merret me kirurgjinë plastike, Neil Bulstrode, i cili e operoi atë pa lekë pasi kishte dëgjuar për këtë, Didier tani mund të rritet si çdo fëmijë tjetër.
Historia do të transmetohet sonte si pjesë e serisë së dokumentarit Bodyshock të Channel 4.
Mjeku kishte fluturuar në Kolumbi për të kryer atje operacionin dhe ishte hera e parë për të që shihte një gjendje në këto përmasa. 3/4 e trupit ishte mbuluar nga kjo "guaskë" shprehet ai.
Z. Bulstrode është një ekspert në trajtimin e pacientëve si Didier, të cilët vuajnë nga gjendje të rralla. Shkaku nuk është i njohur por ekspertët mendojnë se ka një ndryshim në zhvillimin e qelizave embrionale të lëkurës të shkaktuar nga një mutacion gjenetik.
Z. Bulstrode, i cili kryen rreth 40 operacione CMN në një vit në Great Ormond Street tha se duke punuar me ekipin në Bogotá kishte qenë një eksperiencë e mahnitshme.

Vetvaret publicisti Ardian Klosi

Ka kryer vetvrasjen pak caste me pare publicisti i mirenjohur shqiptar duke u vetvarur ne shtepine e tij, Ardian Klosi, 55 vjecari, babai i dy vajzave.
Ardian Klosi ka dhene shenja depresioni qe ne muajin Dhjetor dhe ka tentuar disa here te vetvritej dhe kete periudhe eshte kuruar sistematikisht per depresion. Shkaku i kesaj ngjarjeje tragjike eshte gjendja e rende psikologjike qe Klosi ka kaluar se fundmi. Policia tashme ka shkuar ne vendgjarje duke kryer hetimet e nevojshme per te zbuluar me tej shkaqet e kesaj ngjarjeje. Thuhet se perpara ketij akti ai ka lene nje leter te shkruar dhe sapo organet e rendit te mbarojne hetimet, do te bejne te ditur  permbajtjen e kesaj letre.

martedì 24 aprile 2012

America's Next Top Model axes three presenters

Three stars of America's Next Top Model have been dropped from the long-running TV show, after falling ratings.

Photographer Nigel Barker, runway coach J. Alexander and photo-shoot director Jay Manuel will not return, said the show's host Tyra Banks.

The show follows a group of girls as they are put through a series of modelling tests in order to become the ultimate series winner.

Barker said he had been expecting to be dropped for some time.

"It wasn't a shock. I'm friends with Tyra and the producers," the photographer, who joined the show in 2004, told E! News.

"There had been a discussion that ratings were down and that something like this would happen. We had an incredible run and there aren't any hard feelings."

Former model Banks and the show's executive producer wrote on Facebook and Twitter: "Nigel Barker, Miss J. And Mr Jay: Thank you for all our years together on America's Next Top Model.

"Working with you is always an absolute pleasure. Excited for what the future holds for us."

Manuel thanked fans in a blog post for their support and said he was moving on to other projects.

"Nigel, Miss J and I had a great run, and now it's time for us to move on," he said.

No information has been given as to who would replace the three.

America's Next Top Model, which airs on the CW channel in the US, has lost more than half of its 2005 audience, and is currently watched by less than two million people.

In the UK the show is broadcast on Sky Living.

Changes at the State Police

A new wave of changes at the State Police, right after the recent changes at the Tirana Police Directory, after the murders that took place in the Albanian capital and that resulted with the death of two women on the same day, Eleni Basho and Megi Jakici.

As result of the latest changes, the vice director of the Crime Department at the Tirana Police, Arjan Kurti, was transferred to Shkoder and was replaced by Gezim Gjeci.

Meanwhile, Gezim Prebibaj, Chief of the Rinas Police, will be transferred to the Kavaja Police.

The reasons of these changes remain unknown, while the transfer of the Rinas Chief of Police might have resulted after the investigations that implicated several Rinas personnel in a clandestin traffic.

US battleship in Durres, no relation with Kosovo

The dock landing ship USS Gunston Hall arrives in Durrës, Albania, Apr. 24, for a regularly scheduled port visit. This visit serves to continue U.S. 6th Fleet efforts to build global maritime partnerships with European nations and improve maritime safety and security.

685 troops of the military crew will stay until April 27th, based on the status of the agreement signed between the parties of the Northern Atlantic Tractat, ratified by the Parliament, and also based on other agreements between the member states “on the status of the US military forces in the Albanian Republic”.

While in port, the officers and crew will meet with local officials and participate in cultural activities.

Gunston Hall is conducting this port visit as part of a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

“US ship in Albania, no relation with Northern Kosovo”

The US Embassy in Prishtina denied the news published by some Kosovo media, that the USS Gunston Hall ship docked in Durres due to the Northern Kosovo turmoil.

The embassy explained that the US battleship is following a process for the US partnership reinforcement in a global scale.

“This visit has nothing to do with any of the events that have taken place recently in the region. This is a regular visit that offers a great opportunity for exchanging information, joint tactics and professionalism, with the goal to defend the region”, the declaration says.

Crisis reaches Albania

In 2009, when the economic crisis swept the entire Eastern and Central Europe, Albania was one of the three countries in the region that did not fall in recession.

That year, the Albanian economy increase with 3.3%, followed by Kosovo with 2.9% and Poland with 1.6%. The Albanian economy continued keeping positive growth even after 2009, by not falling in recession. For the government this was a sufficient argument for denying the crisis, but the numbers show that the Albanian economy is being hit harder than the other countries.

In 2010, the economic growth for Albania was 3.5%, according to the International Monetary Fund. This was not only the highest number in the European under construction economies, but was even lower than the average of the regional economies, which grew with 4.5%, with Turkey leading the list.

The gap deepened even more last year. According to INSTAT, the economic growth in 2011 fell with 3.1%, with the average of the regional countries, according to IMF, was 2.1% higher. These are factual numbers, belonging to the past years.

The predictions for the years to come are even darker. IMF thinks that the economic growth for Albania this year will be four times lower than the average of the region. The tendency will continue for at least five other years, until 2017, when the economic growth is predicted by experts to reach 1 to 1.5% lower than the average of the region. What the recent figures show, is that the economic crisis in Albania has simply arrived later than in other countries, and if the IMF predictions will come true, chances are that Albania will be the most affected country by this crisis.

Earth Day, actions in many areas

April 22nd is the day when everyone stops and reflects how they have behaved with earth. It is a day that helps increasing the alarm for the damages that humanity causes to forests, rivers, land and other natural assets.

Even in Albania, where the environment is suffering more than anywhere else, it is already a tradition to use April 22nd as a reflection and awareness day for stopping its further destruction.

The Pedestrian Street in Tirana will be sued for raising awareness on this matter, with the support of the US and Austrian Embassies, the Tirana Municipality, the Eden Center and other environmental organizations that will turn it into a big environmental fair.

“The activity will be held at the Pedestrian Street, and we invite all citizens to participate. It will be a big fair, where will be displayed all environmental initiatives that have been undertaken in Albania, also followed by a rock concert”, declared Ermelinda Mahmutaj, director of Eden Center.

The Albanian Volunteer Corpus, the biggest volunteer movement in Albania, will undertake several actions in many cities of the country.

“Besides our presence at the fair, the Corpus volunteers will help with their activities at the Lalez Bay, in tourist and non tourist areas. We will make activities in Shen Gerjgja nd Llixha of Elbasan. There will be 500 volunteers from the Corpus, who are answering each year more to the initiative to become citizens and not allow pollution. I invite everyone to join the Corpus for a cleaner environment”, declared Dorina Bilbili, from the Volunteers Corpus.

lunedì 23 aprile 2012

Rriten vjedhjet e iPhone dhe iPad

Kriminelët gjithmonë kanë pasur një interes të shtuar për produktet e Apple, pasi që ato janë të shtrenjta dhe të kërkuara shumë nga përdoruesit në treg.
Këtë vit, vjedhjet e iPhone dhe tabletëve iPad janë rritur për 44 për qind në New York të SHBA-ve. 
Deri më 15 prill, në qytetin më atraktiv të SHBA’së janë kryer 1,196 vjedhje të këtyre pajisjeve mobile, krahasuar me 831 sa ishin kryer gjatë vitit të kaluar.

Galaxy S III në Amazon

Amazoni gjerman në ofertën e vet ka përfshirë Galaxy S III. Në faqe vet fotografia e pajisjes nuk është në dispozicion, por specifikat teknike janë. Për ndryshim nga spekulimet e mëhershme, në Amazon thuhet se pajisja do të ketë kamerën prej 12 megapiksel. Gjithashtu, celulari pritet të jetë i pajisur me ekranin Super AMOLED 4.7 inçësh, e të përfshirë do të jenë 16 GB memorie për deponimin e të dhënave. Informatat se “memoria mund të zgjerohet deri në 32 GB” bën me dije se celulari do të ketë sllotin për kartelat microSD. Çmimi i pajisjes në Amazon është 600 euro që edhe është çmimi i pritur i tregut të kësaj pajisje pa kontratë me operatorin.
 Lansimi zyrtar i celularit është paraparë për 3 maj kur do të marrim vesh se çfarë sjellë pajisja high-end e Samsung me Android.

Unions to protest on May 1st

The Confederation of Independent Unions in Albania has started the dialogue between social groups and different movements for the organization of a massive protest on Tirana’s main boulevard, in front of the Prime Minister’s office, on May 1st, the International Day of Workers.

The Confederation leader, Kole Nikolla, declared for Top News that different to the last years, this protest will be a powerful voice of all social classes against the injustices of the current government.

Nikollaj declared that this protest will increase the civil awareness for demanding their rights and for reporting injustices, in order to make their elected accountable for their actions, since they care of the voters’ problems only during electoral campaigns.

Sunny weekend, rains in next week

After several days of uninterrupted rain, it seems that this Sunday will be bright and sunny, with temperatures rising to 22 degrees C.

The Military Meteorologist Service experts foresee a temporary weather improvement, since the rains will return on Tuesday through the entire territory of Albania, continuing until Thursday.

But the temperatures will not change with the rain. They will remain at 10-11 degrees Celsius in mountainous areas, and 18-19 degrees at the seaside.

The temperatures are expected to warm up only after April 27th.

Small parties: system must change

The small parties are demanding the change of the electoral system for securing a wider representation of the political factor. 

The Socialist leader declared that the system is democratic, but he expressed his readiness to correct the system in order to create more space for the small parties.

But Rama said that he will not condition the creation of the new law with the change of the system, insinuating that he could support the DP in case they oppose. 

Topi welcomed by Ivanov in Macedonia

The Albanian President, Bamir Topi, started his visit in Macedonia, where he was welcomed by his homologue, George Ivanov. 

Topi and Ivanov discussed about increasing the cooperation between the two countries.

“Albania strongly supports Macedonia’s stability. It is indispensable to continue with the harmony between the two countries”, Topi declared.

Another point mentioned by the Head of the Albanian state, was the implementation of the Ochrid Agreement, which Topi considers as very important.

President Ivanov declared that it is on the interest of the region to have both countries producing only positive news.

Topi’s visit in Macedonia is made in a moment when the interethnic tensions between the Slavic and Albanian Macedonians have peaked after the murder of five Macedonian young men in a Skopje village.

The Macedonians blamed the Albanians for the murder, and some days ago they even held protests against this community, with racist chants.

 The Macedonian authorities appealed the citizens to not bring impulsive conclusions and wait for the investigations to end.

The same appeal was made by the European Union, which condemned the crime and asked no blame to be given beforehand.

While the local media in Serbia are trying to attribute the responsibility to the Albanian community by broadcasting a series of fake news. 

“Tupac është i gjallë” … dhe jo vetëm në hologramë

Tupac mund të jetë i gjallë, thotë ish- drejtuesi i studios regjistruese Death Row Records, Suge Knight.Moguli i rap-it, që ishte në timon kur artisti u qëllua në vitin 1996, tha se ai nuk ishte i bindur se këngëtari ka vdekur.Tupac Shakur, që ishte 25 vjeç kur u vra në Las Vegas, u ‘ngjall’ javën e shkuar në skenë përmes hologramës.
Performanca realistike tërhoqi plot 75 mijë fansa, që besonin se rapper-i ishte i gjallë, nisur edhe nga teoritë e shumta konspirative rreth vdekjes së tij.
Knight thotë se ai asnjëherë nuk e pa trupin e këngëtarit pas vdekjes, pavarësisht se ishte aty atë natë.
“Askush nuk e ka parë Tupac të vdekur,” tha ai.
Knight, që ka historitë e tij me drejtësinë pasi është arrestuar disa herë, ishte akuzuar se ka paguar vetë për vrasjen e Tupac, një akuzë që e ai e ka hedhur poshtë.

"Top Story", Nano to run for President

Fatos Nano admitted in an interview for “Top Story” his ambition for becoming the next Albanian President. 

Which are the possible scenarios? Which is his current position in the Albanian politics, the platform it has and the chances to be reelected? Which is the relation between Nano and the main political figures, Berisha, Rama and Meta, and the forces they represent?

But above all, why should the former Prime Minister, the man who speaks through his silence since 2009, be elected as the next President?

When Top Channel’s journalist Sokol Balla welcomed him and declared that he had been speaking through his silence, Nano declared:

“I believe that there is always a time to speak. It is very useful to have a time to listen or to speak through silence. We all need reflection, we need to think before feeding conflicts with exaggerated emotions”.

Sokol Balla – Regardless the contestations created by your political actions during the years, it is a fact that your result has always been positive, since the elections of 2005, which were the only ones that were not rejected, and you lost. You gave stability to the country with the President in 2007, although you made enemies among your people. Will you be a candidate for the next President?

Fatos Nano – It seems like we are entering a topic, but this is a way for getting out of this topic. I am not a candidate, but I am the most important candidate for Albania in 2012, because Albania is a candidate and it is very important to receive the deserved and delayed EU candidate status. Allow me to say that as a politician and citizen, I offered my experience and ability to help changing the current political climate, so that the relations between politics and institutions can be more progressive and encouraging for their duties towards the citizens. I offered myself by contacting all parties, and I made it clear that I am ready to compete in this race. This is only the beginning, and I am here to declare through your program the concept, the spirit and the vision for which I make this offer, and the products that it will secure.

Sokol Balla – However, based on the Constitution, your candidacy must come from a political party. What will you try differently from 2007, when you were self declared a candidate?

Fatos Nano -  It is useful and it often lack in the Albanian politics: the space for dialogue, negotiation, based on which all parties can see each other, can come to know the personalities that are offered, and all of them are available to be elected for important functions, which demand a good understanding of politics. As regards the traditional vision of these elections, the campaigns, since the public knows me, I have preferred to negotiate and present to the political factors my concent and vision, creating a process that will serve to the country and not to me. A process that helps reestablishing trust between politics and institutions, which has been broken in many critical moments, and have ruined not only the symbolical ambience of the 100th year of independence for our country, and especially on the verge of important Euro-Atlantic evaluation meetings with the countries that follow our progress closely. 

Holtkemper rejects Bode's declaration

“The German Bank should have notified the Albanian part, as law demands, but they did not. They should have notified us which company should be declared winner, and only after taking our approval, the agreement could be made official. Don’t try fo find other causes for covering corruption, instead of reporting it”. 

This was the declaration of the Minister of Finances in Parliament yesterday, claiming that the German KFW has had irregularities with the financing of the Kosovo-Albanian power line construction tender.

But this claim of Mr. Bode was rejected by the German Ambassador in Tirana, Carola Muller Holtkemper, when she was asked by Top Channel about the stance of the German government on this matter.

“We don’t usually give information about the procedures of an undergoing tender, because for us it is undergoing. The German part, the Bank for Reconstruction, has worked very correctly and in constant transparency. We work closely with our partners, who respond for technical and financial terms, and there was no need for undertaking any special measure or procedure”, the German Ambassador declared.

The German Ambassador released this declaration from the German Center, where she participated in the inauguration of a video that encourages the learning of German language. 

domenica 22 aprile 2012

Microsoft e Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni unite con PhotoDNA per contrastare gli abusi online sui minori

Ieri a Roma abbiamo presentato insieme a Polizia Postale un’innovativa tecnologia che permette alle forze dell’ordine di combattere lo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori identificando e prestando soccorso alla vittime in tempi sempre più rapidi. Stiamo parlando di PhotoDNA, il nuovo strumento ideato a livello mondiale da Microsoft e NetClean: una tecnologia di corrispondenza delle immagini, sviluppata da Microsoft Research in collaborazione con il Dartmouth College che è in grado di scomporre le foto in tanti elementi ricavandone una sorta di impronta digitale unica. Le copie dell’immagine anche se manipolate o modificate possono essere individuate come provenienti da una certa fonte risalendo così più facilmente al colpevole. I provider di servizi online, quali Microsoft, utilizzano attualmente PhotoDNA per ricercare, segnalare ed eliminare alcune delle peggiori immagini conosciute di pedopornografia online.
Disponibile gratuitamente per le forze dell’ordine, PhotoDna è oggi integrato nel programma CETS (Child Exploitation Tracking System), strumento donato da Microsoft alla Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni per consentire di tracciare eventuali tentativi di pedopornografia online, indagando con efficacia sugli individui e sui siti Internet sospetti e che rappresenta l'avanguardia della collaborazione tra le forze di polizia ed il mondo delle industrie sottolineando ancora una volta l’impegno di Microsoft nella ricerca di sicurezza per il mondo di Internet.
La Polizia Postale potrà ora utilizzare PhotoDNA e creare un collegamento tra le segnalazioni e le indagini, accelerando l'identificazione delle vittime ,prestando loro assistenza, gestendo un numero superiore di casi in maniera più rapida e consegnando così alla giustizia i responsabili degli abusi.
Siamo lieti di poter mettere a disposizione di una causa importante come la lotta alla pedofilia una tecnologia nata inizialmente per una maggiore sicurezza dei provider online.

Bulgaria lures Albanian Gorani

Bulgaria is intensifying its efforts for expanding the minorities in Balkan, including Kosovoa nd Albania, by offering Bulgarian citizenship to the Goran community, according to SETimes. 

The same offer goes to the Macedonia Gorans, concentrated in 18 villages in Gora and near the Prespa Lake, on the Macedonian side.

The President of the Macedonian Gorans Association, Avnija Rahti, declared that the Bulgarian state has officially offered the Bulgarian citizenship to this community and free education in Sofia and Plovdiv.

“All people belonging to the Goran community must sign the documents in which they declare their Bulgarian origin and that they feel part of this country”, Rahti declared.

Skopje reacted immediately, considering this initiative as illegal, while the Albanian authorities held no official stance.

The Agency for Bulgarians in the World organized the visit campaigns and the conversion of the Goran communities. The association expresses on its web page that their mission is to join and unify all Bulgarians throughout the world.

More than 16.000 Macedonian received Bulgarian citizenship one year ago, together with 2000 Ukrainian and 1000 Serbs and only 6 citizens from Kosovo.

“1500 citizens in Zhupa and Prespa have received the Bulgarian citizenship”, confrimed Gezim Kurti from the Albanian side, as Chairman of the Bulgarian Association in Albania, when asked by SETimes.

This movement was criticized by the Bulgarian expert for international relations and professor Antoinette Primatarova, who declared in the local media:

“This is a Bulgarian move for winning political advantages in poor Balkan countries, by exploiting the advantages offered by their passports”. 

Judicial process for taxi driver murder

he Korce Court verdict gave one life to prison sentence and 43 years in total for five other suspects of the Fredi Talelli taxi driver murder. 

Elkiero Revani was sentenced to life in prison, while Arnest Xhacka, kastriot Papleka, Domeniko Kumrie, Amarildo Selmani and Jurgen Zeqo are sentenced for robbery in cooperation with murder as consequence.

Talelli was killed in 2010 during a robbery, while the young suspects are also accused of obstructing justice and supporting murderers after the crime.

The case is being reviewed by the Court of First Degree, after the return that the Appeal made on November for “serious procedural violations”. 

Pope's 85 birthday

Vatican celebrates today the 85th birth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI, in a ceremony where was invited the opposition leader, Edi Rama. 

Top Channel learned that Edi Rama, accompanied by his wife, Linda Rama, traveled yesterday to Rome, at the Holy See.

The Socialist Headquarter tried to keep this visit outside the media attention, but Rama will also meet Vatican high rank officials during his visit.

It remains unclear if the Holy See has invited other politicians from Albania, or only Rama. 

Chrome seized in Bulqize

The Bulqize Police has seized several tons of illegally extracted chrome. 

According to the police, the company that has extracted the mineral has no license and has exploited the miners illegally.

The procedural actions will go to the Diber prosecution, for further investigation.

The prevention of illegal chrome exploitation in the area started a few days ago by the local authorities.